The most popular units of land measurement in Nepal are Ropani, Aana, Kattha, Bigha, Dhur etc.
Below are some of the most used and searched conversion rates of different land measurement units of Nepal.
Measurement of area in terms of Ropani Area: Ropani—> Anna— > Paisa— > Dam
1 ropani = 16 anna = 5476 sq. ft.= 508.74 sq m
1 anna = 4 paisa = 342.25 sq. ft. = 31.79 sq m
1 paisa = 4 dam = 85.56 sq. ft.= 7.94 sq m
Measurement of area in terms of Bigha Area: Bigha—- > Katha—- > Paisa—- > Dam
1 Bigha = 20 Katha = 72900 sq. ft. = 6772.41 sqm
1 Katha = 20 paisa = 3645 sq. ft. = 38.62 sqm.
1 Paisa = = 182.25 sq. ft. = 6.9 sqm
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